Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun APISI datang dari:

James Henri
President: IASL
Chair: IFLA Section School Libraries and
Resource Centers Associate Professor: The University of Hong Kong

"Congratulations to all those involved in the formation of APISI and to the hard working and visionary group who have chartered a successful path through the first year. I look forward to hearing of your continuing success in the years ahead.
Best wishes,"

Gerald R. Brown, Honorary Ambassador
International Association of School Librarians
Co-ordinator, IASL Special Interest Group - International Development
3403 - 55 Nassau Street North
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2G8 CANADA


"Greetings to friends in APISI.
It is wonderful to hear that you have been organized for a full year already.
It is great that you are having professional development functions that will draw the members together.
As we become stronger as a team, then we can send out a "united message".
The message explains that the learning needs of children are the focus for all our work. That is what drives the quality school library and information service programs in every part of the nation. The school library then becomes an integral part of the whole learning community. It becomes more than a room, books, computers and a service agent. We can show that teaching and learning are the roots for a quality school library program. Become strong advocates for the 'integrated approach to cooperative planning and teaching in a resource rich environment"! Reading is fun. Learning is fun. Helping others learn how to learn is rewarding. Developing the skills of discovery, critical thinking, and synthesis will give your students and teachers life-long learning opportunities. We hope you will continue to send messages to IASL, so that members in the rest of the world will also enjoy your successes.
Continue to be strong and united advocates for change,
growth and maturity as quality professionals in Indonesia.
All the best"

Diao Ai Lien
You've done great jobs
"Make more programs for headmasters
Facilitate apprenticeship, library automation with open source system
Student-centered learning cannot be done without libraries
Information literacy is a must, and its development requires collaboration between librarian-teacher-parents
Collaborate with university libraries
(more than five school librarians came to Atma Jaya for their field work)

Elizabeth Greef
St Andrew's Cathedral School Library, Australia
Former Regional Director for Oceania, IASL

"Congratulations to the members of APISI on the anniversary of your association. The blogspot provides an excellent forum for sharing ideas and resources among members in Bahasa Indonesian. I particularly enjoyed viewing the photo album pages of professional meetings and celebrations such as World Book Day. It is wonderful that you are promoting the great cause of school libraries with their associated gains in student literacy and achievement. Very Best wishes for the years to come..."

Francisca Messakh,
Senior Librarian, SPH Karawaci

"Bravo untuk kehadiran APISI : Pustakawan sekolah jadi sangat terbantu dengan pencerahan dan sharing ilmu dari Pustakawan2 sekolah yang advance ……

Acara-acara APISI cukup up-to-date, tapi sayangnya kadang terlalu banyak (beragam), jadi numpang saran, kedepannya dalam membuat acara (apalagi kalau hanya 1 hari) cukup 2-3 topik saja (jadi dapat lebih detil)"

Didik Witono
Pustakawan : Matari Advertising Library
Presiden Komunitas Athenaeum Light Indonesia

" Sejak pertama kali lahir 1 tahun lalu, pergerakan kawan-kawan APISI telah
memberi warna dan inspirasi baru, bahwa usaha memajukan perpustakaan
sekolah bisa dimulai dari yang sederhana dengan swadaya tanpa harus banyak menunggu. Ini sangat terlihat dari berbagai kegiatan APISI yang berkelanjutan dan seolah ingin berkata...jangan pernah berhenti.. "

Hilda Putong
Pustakawan STT INTIM Makassar
Sekretaris Forum of Asian Theological Librarians
Country Representative For ATL for Indonesia

"Dear Bu Hanna dkk Pengurus serta Anggota APISI,
Congratulation for your 1st anniversary and success for your all programs to development the school librarians and libraries in Indonesia.

Rashidah Begum bt Fazal Mohamed,
former Chair, Asia and Oceania
Section, International Federation of Library Associations and
Instituitions / Library Adviser Kolej Disted Stamford, Penang, Malaysia

"Meskipun baru berusia satu tahun, APISI telah melakukan beragam kegiatan yang bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan penting dan bernilainya perpustakaan sekolah di Indonesia yang diurus secara profesional. Secara khusus saya terkesan dengan kolaborasi dan hubungan yang dikembangkan oleh APISI dengan para guru, penjual dan penerbit buku karena mereka adalah rekan kerja yang penting untuk
membantu APISI mewujudkan tujuannya"

Specialist, Learning and Development
National Library Board, Singapore
"I have had the opportunity to interact with 4 members of APISI who visited Singapore during this year. They were Ms Hanna, Dewi and Chino and Mr Em.
During my conversations with them they showed great motivation and dedication to the association.
They shared some of their future plans including a proposed Information Literacy Conference in 2008.
I want to congratulate the new-found organisation on their efforts and progress made thus far.
Creating and association is like a child:
we have to feed it nurture it and keep it growing.
So all my best wishes to APISI

[posted by hl]